Our Subsidiaries

View down a residential suburban street in spring with a variety of middle-class bungalows.Residential row house background image.

Dayfield Construction

Within our Construction division, we are dedicated to building the foundations for a better tomorrow. From commercial and residential projects to infrastructure development, we combine expertise, quality craftsmanship, and cutting-edge technology to deliver projects that shape communities and drive progress.

Dayfield Energy

Our Energy division encompasses a wide range of energy sources, including traditional oil and gas as well as clean and renewable options. From exploring and extracting resources to refining and distribution, we are committed to meeting global energy demands while advancing towards a more sustainable energy future

Dayfield Logistics

In our Logistics division, we excel in creating efficient and reliable transportation and supply chain solutions. Whether it’s managing complex logistics operations, optimizing distribution networks, or enhancing last-mile delivery services, we strive to streamline processes and exceed customer expectations
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